Psalm 144:12 “that our daughters may be as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace” corner stones should be translated Corner Pillars Amplified, our daughters as sculptured corner pillars hewn like those of a palace NIV, our daughters will be like pillars carved to adorn a palace
a pillar carved to adorn a palace is beautiful! it attracts attention!
We affect the atmosphere of our home by our character, our attitude, our actions - we influence!
the result of this Psalm is happiness. Happy- for these peoples’ God is the Lord.
How can we be like a beautiful, ornate, carved pillar, cut for a palace?
Heart purity- God looks at the heart: "The King's daughter is all glorious within" Psalm 45:13. Beautiful for Christ dwells in your heart. have you given yourself, all of yourself, to Him? Trusted in Him completely for salvation? 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20 - the heart, the spirit, the body. honor God with your body. Romans 12:1-2, Have you given your body to Him? Who owns you? Who are you sold out to? If Christ doesn’t have your body, He doesn’t have you!
if you are closed/shut off to God, then you are open to the world. 3 hearts in the Bible: 1.)Burning heart, Luke 24:32, the Holy Spirit at work, listening with your heart to the Word. 2.)Cold heart, Matthew 24:12. 3.)Lukewarm heart, Revelation 3:15-16, neither cold nor hot, but lukewarm - nauseating to God! ~so, are you only respectable in how you live... no passion? or, does Christ have your whole heart, so that you live with a burning passion for Him? zeal. energy. joy. Heb. 12:29, our God is a consuming fire. He is holy! He needs your permission to consume, burn to ash, all that is not pleasing to Him. Eyes on Jesus, the world grows dim - and the opposite is true too! Rev. 3:20 - stay open.
So, we have to be connected to The Source - to Jesus Christ (light bulb analogy). God fills only what we offer to Him.
You have a royal status - you’re a King’s daughter! you’re part of the Bride of Christ! live like it! Live so as to please Him! For the sake of the Gospel, reflect Christ! think about being dressed in royal apparel - what is fitting for one who belongs to Jesus? are you set apart? bright! Life is not about me.
You cannot separate what is on the inside from what is on the outside. How is your body language? your tone of voice... your eyes? What do your clothes communicate about you? what attention are you trying to get? and from whom? man looks on the outward - it’s seen! it is important! your clothes are giving a message to the world. are you giving the message that your friends and their approval of you is more important than that of your parents? Lust begins with the eyes - your dress affects others (especially guys) and their heart. It is possible to be fashionable and modest!
STAND! you may have to stand alone. Like a pillar, standing strong against the pressures, temptation, and storms of life. Holding up as a light to those around you (others are looking to you... they may want to even imitate you). Pointing others to Jesus. Phil 2:15.
1 Peter 3:4, adorn yourself inwardly! there’s beauty in a gentle and quiet and peaceful spirit (not anxious or wrought up) - the hidden person of the heart is very precious in God’s sight. the hidden person. God looks on the heart.
“carved” “cut for a palace” -How do we let God work in our lives, and how can we let Him shape us?
what does God use to shape you into the person He wants you to be? (parents, authorities, circumstances, siblings, hardships, other people, disappointments, friends, church, activities, books, etc!)
Principle of Design - you are a diamond in the rough (show picture)! think of a rock- rough, jagged, very common... but some are lined with crystals on the underneath side (called geodes - show rock)! God has placed beauty within us. He’s patient with us... letting the Holy Spirit work on us, digging out the sin in our lives, and uncovering the treasure He’s put within us. Seek the grace of God. We need His help. Let Him “polish” what is naturally rough - carve, shape, chisel, cut... shaping you into what is beautiful and bright and ornate. You are of great value to Him!
Job 23:10, when He has tried me, I shall come out as gold
Isaiah 54:11-17, Afflicted city, storm-battered, unpitied: I'm about to rebuild you with stones of turquoise, Lay your foundations with sapphires, construct your towers with rubies, Your gates with jewels, and all your walls with precious stones. All your children will have God for their teacher— what a mentor for your children! You'll be built solid, grounded in righteousness, far from any trouble—nothing to fear! far from terror—it won't even come close! weapon that can hurt you has ever been forged... This is what God's servants can expect. I'll see to it that everything works out for the best.

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