Monday, October 20, 2008

The Story Behind Girls Really Living

There is a pressing need in our current generation of Christian young people. They are raised in Godly homes, their parents love them and want God's best for them, they attend church, they may have even accepted Jesus to be their Savior. And yet when they reach a certain age, meet new friends with different convictions, graduate, attend college... they are faced with a decision. Will they accept their parents' convictions and make those beliefs their own? Will they make sure Jesus Christ has their hearts, their soul, their body, and will they stand firm, maybe even alone, for what is pleasing to God? OR will they drift away, desire to only please their friends, wanting to look, act and talk like everyone else, giving their mind, will and emotions and sometimes their body to sin and darkness?

They need to know that there are others out there who want to live for Jesus Christ and who truly love Him! There is a need for inspiration to pursue a higher purpose in life. It is our passion to see girls in love with Christ and pursuing a personal relationship with Him. 

Our desire is to simply encourage girls to love Jesus with ALL their heart and we desire them to love God's Word - hiding it in their heart and spending one on one time with God. The girls of today need inspiration to live radically different than the dark world by which they are surrounded. Jesus Christ wants to be their LIFE, their joy and peace and reason for living. He desires them to rise above and, even as youth, "be an example to the believers."

Girls Really Living meets together once a month for encouragement, prayer, Bible study, and activities geared towards girls. It is geared for ages 12 and older~ for girls who have a desire to love God with all their heart. 

1 comment:

Amy Vest Cox said...

Dear Jennifer and Jaimee,

I LOVE your blog! What a beautiful idea. I know it will be a blessing and encouragement to many in their walks with the Lord! I look forward to staying posted! May the Lord bless you so much, dear friends, as you continue to seek to know Him and make Him known! I am praying for you!

With much love in Jesus,

Amy Vest

" the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength..." Mark 12:30